Meet our talented family of teachers—each an accomplished writer and trustworthy guide. Leaf through our faculty bios, profiles, book excerpts, and writing advice articles. You’ll like the people you meet.
Jolie De Feis

Faculty Profile

Meet Jolie De Feis

“I was interested in mental health. I was interested in helping people and helping them understand things,” she says, “It was kind of a blend of science and humanity... It just seemed to be the right move for me.”

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Janet Flora

Faculty Profile

Meet Janet Flora

When Gotham teacher Janet Flora writes, she can get so immersed she loses track of time. “I’ve spent days—the whole entire day!—writing,” she says. After a while though, she snaps out of it. “I have to get out of the house. I have to engage with the real world,” she confides.

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If this instructor had been my professor in college, I probably would have chosen writing as a career.

Muriel Haber, president & CEO, management real estate co.

Faculty Excerpts

How to Date a Superhero (And Not Die Trying)

How to Date a Superhero (And Not Die Trying)

Cristina Fernandez
This is an excerpt from Cristina Fernandez's novel, How to Date a Superhero (And Not Die Trying). ***Sophomore Spring, Week OneMT Cell Bio Lab Safety QuizW BioChem Syllabus Quiz; Orgo 2 Syllabus QuizTh BioChem Lab Safety QuizF Physics Syllabus QuizAstrid...
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The Moon, Her Crown

The Moon, Her Crown

Christine Meade
This is an excerpt from Christine Meade's recently released novel.***I stacked the deck of tarot cards between us on the small reading table in Martinique’s Mystics. The girl sitting across from me looked scared. Late-twenties with greasy black hair and...
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Faculty Articles

Robert Repino

The Essential Storytelling Device that Fuels Superman and The Matrix

Robert Repino
I am both proud and slightly horrified to say that my first published novel took over a year to write, and three long years to rewrite. And that’s not counting the failed book projects that preceded it over the previous...
Barbara DeMarco-Barrett

On Revision

Barbara DeMarco-Barrett
Writers have a love­/hate relationship with revi­sion. On the one hand, we hate it because we want our pieces to come out right the first time, and the drafting process is so much more fun, full of prom­ise and discovery,...