Private Sessions

As great as it is to take a class with a group of intriguing people, you might relish the flexibility and personal attention of a private class. You may take a one-on-one version of most any Gotham course, following the teacher’s plan for teaching the course, with a bit of customization just for you.

These sessions are available in the following formats:

Mini – $395 ($450 for specialty courses*)

This is a three-hour “greatest hits” version of a Gotham course broken into three one-hour Zoom sessions (usually one per week). The sessions are a mixture of lecture, discussion, and exercises, for which the teacher will give off-the-cuff feedback. Also, plenty of time for Q&A.

Private Intensive – $775 ($885 for specialty courses*)

A Private Intensive (just like our Zoom Intensives) offers six hours of instruction, done in three two-hour Zoom sessions (usually one per week). The sessions are a mixture of lecture, discussion, and exercises, for which the teacher will give off-the-cuff feedback. Also, plenty of time for Q&A. Essentially, it’s a double-long Mini.

* Specialty courses:
Comics and Graphic Novels, The Editor's Eye, In(verse): Poetic Techniques for Non-Poets, Social Media, Songwriting, Web Series, The Writer’s Mind, Video Game Writing

Private Class – 6-week course, $1,195; 10-week course, $1,895

You can take any of our 6 or 10-week courses privately, on Zoom or as an asynchronous Online class. The Zoom classes meet once a week on Zoom for two hours. The Online classes progress week by week, but nothing happens in real time; you can do your class activities anytime, as can your teacher, who will be present throughout.

The 6-week options are part of our 101 series: Creative Writing 101, Creative Nonfiction 101, and Writing Scripts 101. These are perfect courses for beginners or those who want a refresher. The sessions are a mixture of lectures and exercises, with the student getting written feedback on weekly homework assignments.

The 10-week options are our “Workshop” classes, which focus on a particular type of writing—Fiction, Memoir, Screenwriting, TV Writing, etc. They use a mixture of lectures, exercises, and working on a project; the student will submit some (or all) of the project several times throughout the course, each time receiving a critique from the teacher.

Private Video Game Writing Class – 3-week course, $695.

You may take a one-on-one version of either Video Game Writing 1: Conception or Video Game Writing 2: Implementation, or both consecutively. This is only available as an asynchronous Online class. The Online classes progress week by week, but nothing happens in real time; you can do your class activities anytime, as can your teacher, who will be present throughout.

To begin, fill out the form at the bottom of the page. Then a Gotham staff member will consult with you to determine your specific needs and help you make the best pick. Next, you’ll be matched with an appropriate teacher.

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Here you can view all Gotham One-on-One services.

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