Annie Coburn

Annie Coburn

Dear Gotham,
During last year’s hot summer months, I was pedding around Manhattan doing research for the upcoming Walk NYC for The Suzy Guides when I spotted one of those plastic newspaper containers on the corner with “Gotham” written on the front. That evening I reviewed the programs and signed up for Steve Snyder’s Article writing course. 
Life altering events happen. Taking his class signaled a hard right turn for me. The class gave me tools. Those “how to” and “markets” and “formats” and the list really does go on and on. Mr. Snyder’s guidance helped me see mistakes rather than stumble through trying to understand why an article wasn’t being considered.
I followed Mr. Snyder’s class with Cindy Price’s How to Freelance course. This pulled together all the pieces of the puzzle. In an email to Ms. Price, I told her my goal was to be published before the end of the class. I didn’t succeed. However, a few weeks ago and two months since the class, a major US magazine accepted one of my articles. Besides a needed by-line and tear sheet, this success brought with it confidence. The feeling is difficult to explain; but, my enthusiasm has doubled and new queries go out daily. 
Would I have succeeded without taking the Gotham classes? Maybe…eventually. How many trials and errors can a person endure? Gotham Writers Workshop is like aspirin. It eases the pain and lets you get on with it.
Thanks for the boost.
Annie Coburn
The Suzy Guides