Anthea Morrison

Anthea Morrison

Dear Gotham,

I wanted to let you know that I recently had a short story, "The Dive" published online at The story was first workshopped in Dominic Preziosi's Fiction I class at Gotham. I made some changes based on useful feedback from Dominic and the class, but I would never have had the confidence to try to get it published if Dominic had not encouraged me to do so. In fact, I had very little confidence at all in my writing until I took the Gotham class.

I would advise anyone who thinks they might have it in them to be a writer, but is not sure how to start, to give Gotham a try. I found Dominic's class invaluable; I went on to take a second class with Carol Bugge, and I am still in touch and sharing ideas with several people from the first class nearly a year later.

Keep up the good work!

Best wishes,
Anthea Morrison