Dear Gotham,
I wanted to write you a letter of thanks. I took your Fiction Writing class with Jacob Appel several years ago. Not only did I enjoy the class, but it truly motivated me to become more committed to my writing. Not only has Jacob continued to be a valued mentor and friend, he also helped me develop the work that became my portfolio for MFA program applications.
I received my MFA in Fiction from Brooklyn College last spring where I had an amazing experience and received both the Himan Brown Award for Fiction and the Lainoff Prize for Fiction. Since then I've had one story, "Exactly Halfway Down," published in The L Magazine and another in The Brooklyn Review. I was also a finalist for a Glimmer Train Short Story Award for New Writers.
So...thanks! Not only for all you did for me, but also all the good work you do in supporting new writers.
CJ Hauser