Margo Lukas

Margo Lukas

Dear Gotham,

I have some exciting news from Leigh Michaels's Gotham class on Romance Writing. The novel I began in her class, Half Moon Rising, has been published.

Samhain Publishing bought my book and the e-book was published in March of last year with the paperback edition following in October. It's been doing well and the reviews, including 4 stars from Romantic Book Times, have been positive.

Before Leigh's class I had been trying to break into the romance market for several years. The form rejection letters had their own file at my writing desk and it was getting thicker every year.

I had read many “how to” books and articles on romance writing, but it was Leigh's comments and guidance that made the difference with this project. Having her point out the specific weaknesses and strengths of my story proved invaluable in taking my writing to a higher level.  Half Moon Rising wouldn't have made it to print without her.

Whenever I run into a fellow romance writer seeking publication I mention Gotham and Leigh's class. The lectures reveal new insights to the specifics of the romance genre, the assignments provide both goals and the chance for quality feedback, and, finally, the connection and time spent with other writers very simply feeds the soul.

Keep up the great writing classes.

Margo Lukas