Be a Poll Worker

As the United States prepares for the upcoming November 2024 general election, Gotham would like to reward writers who sign up to work the polls.

Being a poll worker has become an increasingly fascinating job, and many jurisdictions are experiencing a shortage of people willing and able to do it.

We think anyone noble enough to do this work deserves some time to write, on us.

So, we’re offering poll workers a $100 credit here at Gotham, to put toward whatever you like.


Register to become a poll worker in your community—Power The Polls will help you figure out how.

Show up on Election Day (or for early voting, or whenever you’re assigned by your local elections officials). Be proud of your efforts to support and sustain democracy. (And while you’re there, vote!)

Email proof of your service to [email protected]. You can send a timesheet, a paystub, a letter of thanks from your local elections board, a selfie of yourself wearing your official lanyard standing next to the “Vote Here” sign of your polling place. You know, whatever’s handy.

Gotham will issue a $100 credit to your student record, which you can apply to a future class.

And, look, we know the past few years have given you no shortage of things to write about, but working the polls in times like these is sure to give you at least one truly great story.