Carmen Bugan

Carmen Bugan

Carmen Bugan is the author of the memoir Burying the Typewriter (Picador), the essay collection Poetry and the Language of Oppression (Oxford University), and the poetry collections Tristia, Time Being, Lillies from America, Releasing the Porcelain Birds, The House of Straw (all Shearsman Books), Sulla Soglia Della Dimenticanza (Kolibris), and Crossing the Carpathians (Carcanet Press), as well as the monograph Seamus Heaney and East European Poetry in Translation: Poetics of Exile (Routledge). Her poems and essays have appeared in the Irish Times, Harvard Review, the International Literature Quarterly, the Nieman Storyboard, and the anthologies Centres of Catacylsm (Bloodaxe Books), See How I Land (Heaven Tree Press), and Penguin’s Poems for Life (Penguin). She has taught at New York University in Abu Dhabi, Stony Brook University, the University of Michigan, Grand Valley State University, the University of Fribourg, the Geneva Writers’ Group, and Oxford University. She holds a BA from the University of Michigan, an MA in Creative Writing from Lancaster University, and a Master’s and Ph.D, both in English Literature, from Oxford University.

Teacher Profile

Carmen Bugan

Teacher Excerpts

Lilies From America

Time Being