Hipster Haiku

HaikuGotham Humor teacher Siobhan Adcock has forever set haikus free from their uncool status due to all those grade-school teachers forcing the form upon us: five syllables-seven syllables-five syllables. They probably were cool way back in Japan, but we didn’t know about that.  Anyway they’re cool once again, thanks to Siobhan’s new book, Hipster Haiku. The book is what it sounds like.

 A few samples:
 My sardonic wit
 Doesn’t translate in email
 That’s why I’m alone
 * * *
 Hand-rolled cigarettes
 You call everything “po-mo”
 I think I love you
 * * *
 Pop will eat itself:
 Hence, T-shirts with wry slogans
 About wry T-shirts

If you want to learn more about Hipster Haiku, visit randomhouse.

If you want to put yourself at the epicenter of hipness: On December 4 at 7:30 p.m., Siobhan will host a Hipster Haiku "event" at Stain, a bar (owned by another very hip Gotham teacher, Krista Madsen), in hipster HQ  —  the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn.  For details, visit stainbar.