Memoir - Adversity
- Bauby, Jean-Dominique. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
- Brown, Cupcake. A Piece of Cake
- Carr, David. Night of the Gun
- Debaggio, Thomas. Losing My Mind
- Denby, David. American Sucker
- Deraniyagala, Sonali. Wave
- Didion, Joan. The Year of Magical Thinking
- Duras, Marguerite. The War
- Eighner, Lars. Travels with Lizbeth
- Ellroy, James. My Dark Places
- Finneran, Kathleen. The Tender Land
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Crack-Up
- Fussell, Betty. My Kitchen Wars
- Gay, Roxane. Hunger
- Grealy, Lucy. The Autobiography of a Face
- Hamill, Pete. A Drinking Life
- Haskell, Molly. Love and Other Infectious Diseases
- Jamison, Kay Redfield. An Unquiet Mind
- Kaysen, Susanne. Girl Interrupted
- Knapp, Caroline. Drinking
- Kuusisto, Stephen. The Planet of the Blind
- Lasdun, James . Give Me Everything You Have
- Lawson, Jenny
- Levi, Primo. Survival in Auschwitz
- Marchetto, Marisa Acocella. Cancer Vixen
- McCourt, Frank. Angela's Ashes
- Moaveni, Azadeh. Lipstick Jihad
- Moore, Judith. Fat Girl
- Morris, Jan . Conundrum
- Rosenblatt, Roger. Kayak Morning
- Scheeres, Julie. Jesus Land
- Sebold, Alice. Lucky
- Shapiro, Dani. Slow Motion
- Sheff, David. Beautiful Boy
- Slater, Lauren. Lying
- Styron, William. Darkness Visible
- Wiesel, Elie. Night
- Wurtzl, Elizabeth. Prozac Nation
Memoir - Anthologies
- Art of the Personal Essay
- Best American Essays
- Best American Essays of the Century
- Norton Book of Personal Essays
- Touchstone Anthology of Contemporary Creative Nonfiction
- When I Was a Loser
Memoir - Career/Hobby
- Ali, Aayan Hirsi. Infidel
- Almond, Steve. Candyfreak
- Bass, Rick. Oil Notes
- Beah, Ishmael. A Long Way Gone
- Blunt, Judy. Breaking Clean
- Bourdain, Anthony. Kitchen Confidential
- Brecher, John and Gaiter, Dorothy J.. Love by the Glass
- Buford, Bill. Heat
- Conway, Jill Ker. True North
- Cusk, Rachel . A Life's Work
- Damrosch, Phoebe. Service Included
- Dinesen, Isak. Out of Africa
- Doyle, Brian. The Grail
- Finnegan, William . Barbarian Days
- Fisher, M.F.K.
- Greenlaw, Linda. The Hungry Ocean
- Hart, Moss. Act One
- Herr, Michael. Dispatches
- Hitchens, Christopher . Hitch-22
- Hornby, Nick. Fever Pitch
- Jacobs, A.J.
- Jahren, Hope . Lab Girl
- Kilmer-Purcell, Josh. I Am Not Myself These Days
- Kingsolver, Barbara. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle
- Kogan, Deborah Copaken. Shutterbabe
- Lamott, Anne. Operating Instructions
- Land, Stephanie. Maid
- MacDonald, Helen. H Is for Hawk
- Markham, Beryl. West with the Night
- Max, Tucker. I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell
- McCourt, Frank. Teacher Man
- Merton, Thomas. Seven Storey Mountain
- Nafisi, Azar. Reading Lolita in Tehran
- Orwell, George. Homage to Catalonia
- Plimpton, George. Paper Lion
- Powell, Julie. Julie and Julia
- Reichl, Ruth
- Selzer, Richard. Down from Troy
- Shear, Claudia. Blown Sideways Through Life
- Snyder, Don. The Cliff Walk
- Swofford, Anthony. Jarhead
- Tomine, Adrian. The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Cartoonist
- Turow, Scott. 1L
- Wiener, Anna. Uncanny Valley
- Wolff, Tobias. In Pharoah's Army
Memoir - Collections
- Baldwin, James
- Beard, Jo Ann. The Boys of My Youth
- Brosh, Allie. Hyperbole and a Half
- Calhoun, Ada. Wedding Toasts I'll Never Give
- Cooper, Bernard. Maps to Anywhere
- Crosley, Sloane
- Daum, Meghan. My Misspent Youth
- Didion, Joan
- Feig, Paul. Kick Me
- Gilman, Susan Jane. Hypocrite in a Pouffy White Dress
- Hampl, Patricial. I Could Tell You Stories
- Hoagland, Edward. Compass Points
- Irby, Samantha
- Lamott, Anne. Traveling Mercies
- Levi, Primo. The Periodic Table
- Lynch, Thomas. The Undertaking
- Notaro, Lori. The Idiot Girl and the Flaming Tantrum of Death
- Sedaris, David
- Thomas, Abigail. Safekeeping
- Updike, John. Self-Consciousness
Memoir - Coming of Age
- Angelou, Maya. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
- Arana, Marie. American Chica
- Baker, Russell. Growing Up
- Bechdale, Alison. Fun Home
- Bernstein, Harry. The Invisible Wall
- Bryson, Bill. The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid
- Burroughs, Augusten
- Cary, Lorene. Black Ice
- Christman, Jill. Darkroom
- Coates, Ta-Nehisi. The Beautiful Struggle
- Coetzee, J.M.. Boyhood
- Cohen, Kerry. Loose Girl
- Conroy, Frank. Stop-Time
- Conway, Jill Ker. The Road from Coorain
- Crews, Harry . A Childhood
- Cunningham, Laura. Sleeping Arrangements
- Dillard, Annie. An American Childhood
- Dubus III, Andre. Townie
- Fox, Paula. Borrowed Finery
- Franzen, Jonathan. The Discomfort Zone
- Fuller, Alexandra. Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight
- Gates, Henry Louis. Colored People
- Hampl, Patricia. The Florist's Daughter
- Hemon, Aleksandar. The Book of My Lives
- Hickam, Homer. Rocket Boys
- James, Clive . Unreliable Memoirs
- Jefferson, Margo. Negroland
- Karr, Mary
- Kazin, Alfred. A Walker in the City
- Kimmel, Haven. A Girl Named Zippy
- Klosterman, Chuck. Fargo Rock City
- Laymon, Kiese . Heavy
- Lemelman, Martin. Two Cents Plain
- Madden, T Kira. Long Live the Tribe of Fatherless Girls
- Mann, Sally . Hold Still
- Mantel, Hilary. Giving Up the Ghost
- Márquez, Gabriel García. Living to Tell the Tale
- Moehringer, J.R.. The Tender Bar
- Monette, Paul. Becoming a Man
- Nabokov, Vladimir. Speak, Memory
- Oz, Amos. A Tale of Love and Darkness
- Pelzer, Dave. A Child Called “It”
- Rodriguez, Richard. Hunger of Memory
- Salzman, Mark. Lost in Place
- Sanders, Scott Russell. A Private History of Awe
- Satrapi, Marjane. Persepolis
- Shadid, Anthony. House of Stone
- Shulman, Alix Kates. Memoirs of an Ex-Prom Queen
- Thompson, Craig. Blankets
- Walker, Jerald. Street Shadows
- Walls, Jeannette. The Glass Castle
- Westover, Tara . Educated
- Wilsey, Sean. Oh the Glory of It All
- Wolff, Tobias. This Boy's Life
Memoir - Relationships/Family
- Albom, Mitch. Tuesdays with Morrie
- Allende, Isabel. Paula
- Antrim, Donald. Afterlife
- Auster, Paul. Invention of Solitude
- Bayley, John. An Elegy for Iris
- Bragg, Rick. All Over But the Shoutin’
- Broom, Sarah M. . The Yellow House
- Broyard, Bliss. One Drop
- Carroll, James. An American Requiem
- Chast, Roz. Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant?
- Cheever, Susan. Home Before Dark
- Colt, George Howe. The Big House
- Cooper, Bernard. The Bill From My Father
- Danticat, Edwidge. Brother, I'm Dying
- Eggers, David. Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
- Faludi, Susan. In the Darkroom
- Flynn, Nick. Another Bullshit Night in Suck City
- Franks, Lucinda. My Father's Secret War
- Frazier, Ian. Family
- Gilmore, Mikal. Shot in the Heart
- Gordon, Mary. The Shadow Man
- Gornick, Vivian. Fierce Attachments
- Gornick, Vivian . The Odd Woman and the City
- Hanff, Helene. 84 Charing Cross Road
- Harrison, Kathryn. The Kiss
- Homes, A.M.. The Mistress's Daughter
- Jacob, Mira. Good Talk
- Johnson, Fenton. Geography of the Heart
- Kingston, Maxine Hong. The Woman Warrior
- Kittredge, William. Hole in the Sky
- Klein, Stephanie. Straight Up and Dirty
- Machado, Carmen Maria . In the Dream House
- McBride, James. The Color of Water
- Miller, Sue. The Story of My Father
- Morris, Willie. My Dog Skip
- Nelson, Maggie. The Argonauts
- Ondaatje, Michael. Running in the Family
- Pamuk, Orhan. Istanbul
- Patchett, Ann. Truth and Beauty
- Rosenblatt, Roger. Making Toast
- Roth, Philip. Patrimony
- Shapiro, Dani. Devotion
- Smith, Patti. Just Kids
- Spiegelman, Art. Maus
- Trillin, Calvin. About Alice
- Trussoni, Danielle. Falling Through the Earth
- Tucker, Neely. Love in the Driest Season
- Ward, Jesmyn . Men We Reaped
- Wideman, John Edgar. Brothers and Keepers
- Winterson, Jeanette . Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal
- Wolff, Geoffrey. The Duke of Deception
- Zauner Michelle. Crying in H Mart
Travel Memoir/Essay
- Best Women's Travel Writing
- Conde Nast Traveler Book of Unforgettable Journeys
- Go Girl!
- The Best American Travel Writing
- Travelers' Tales
- Abbey, Edward. Desert Solitaire
- Baggett, Jennifer and Corbett, Holly. The Lost Girls
- Belliveau, Jeannette
- Botton, Alain de. The Art of Travel
- Bryson, Bill
- Butcher, Tim . Blood River
- Byrne, David. The Bicycle Diaries
- Byron, Robert. The Road to Oxiana
- Cahill, Tim
- Chatwin, Bruce
- Clarke, Stephen. Year in the Merde
- Dalrymple, William. City of Djinns
- Davidson, Robyn. Tracks
- Dempster, Lisa . Neon Pilgrim
- DeRuiter, Geraldine. All Over the Place
- Ehrlich, Gretel. Solace of Open Spaces
- Elkin, Lauren . Flâneuse
- Fermor, Patrick Leigh. A Time of Gifts
- Frazier, Ian. Great Plains
- Gellhorn, Martha. Travels With Myself and Another
- Gilbert, Elizabeth. Eat, Pray, Love
- Gilman, Susan Jane. Undress Me in the Temple of Heaven
- Gopnik, Adam. Paris to the Moon
- Gordon, Mary. Seeing Through Places
- Hampl, Patricia. A Romantic Education
- Harrar, Heinrich. Seven Years in Tibet
- Heat-Moon, William Least. Blue Highways
- Hemingway, Ernest. A Moveable Feast
- Hoagland, Edward
- Hongo, Garrett. Volcano
- Horwitz, Tony
- Iyer, Pico
- Jones, Alden . The Blind Masseuse
- Lewis, Norman. Golden Earth
- Locke, Tembi. From Scratch
- Matthiessen, Peter. The Snow Leopard
- Mayes, Frances. Under the Tuscan Sun
- Mayle, Peter. A Year in Provence
- McNeil, Jean . Ice Diaries
- McPhee, John. Coming Into the Country
- Miller, Henry. The Air-Conditioned Nightmare
- Mohammadi, Kamin. The Cypress Tree
- Morris, Jan
- Morris, Mary . All the Way to the Tigers
- Murphy, Dervla
- Naipaul, V. S.. Area of Darkness
- Newby, Eric. A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush
- O'Hanlon, Redmond. No Mercy
- O'Rourke, P.J.. Holidays in Hell
- Orwell, George. Down and Out in Paris and London
- Patel, Shailja. Migritude
- Potts, Rolf. Vagabonding
- Prechtel, Martin. Secrets of the Talking Jaguar
- Salzman, Mark. Iron and Silk
- Saro-Wiwa, Not. Looking for Transwonderland
- Stark, Freya
- Steinbach, Alice. Without Reservations
- Steinbeck, John. Travels with Charley
- Stone, Tom. The Summer of My Greek Taverna
- Strayed, Cheryl. Wild
- Sullivan, Robert. Cross Country
- Theroux, Paul
- Thesiger, Wilfred. Arabian Sands
- Thompson, Chuck. Smile When You're Lying
- Thoreau, Henry David. Walden
- Thubron, Colin. Shadow of the Silk Road
- Troost, J. Marteen. Sex Lives of Cannibals
- Twain, Mark. Following the Equator
- Twain, Mark. Life on the Mississippi
- Twain, Mark. Roughing It
- Twain, Mark. The Innocents Abroad
- Waugh, Evelyn. When the Going Was Good
- Weiner, Eric. The Geography of Bliss
- Younge, Gary . No Place Like Home