The Dialogue
Aristotle. Poetics
Egri, Lajos. The Art of Dramatic Writing
Field, Syd. Four Screenplays
Field, Syd. Screenplay
Goldman, William. Adventures in the Screen Trade
Goldman, William. Which Lie Did I Tell?
Gotham Writers' Workshop. Writing Movies
Gulino, Paul. Screenwriting: Sequence Approach
Hauge, Michael. Writing Screenplays that Sell
Hitchcock, Alfred and Truffaut, Francois. Hitchcock/Truffaut
Mamet, David. On Directing Film
Marks, Dara. Inside Story
McKee, Robert. Story
Riley, Christopher. The Hollywood Standard
Seger, Linda. Making a Good Script Great
Snyder, Blake. Save the Cat
Trottier, David. The Screenwriter's Bible
Vogler, Christopher. Writer's Journey